Somerville’s CU has the competitive rates you’re looking for.

Rates Effective:  

All Rates Subject to Change.

Regular Accounts
Type Interest Rate APY*
Regular Shares 0.05% 0.05%
Special Purpose 0.05% 0.05%
Super Saver Club 0.25%* 0.25%*
IRA/Coverdell 0.75% 0.75%

Compounded Quarterly
* up to $2,500 balance then reduces to .05%

Money Market Accounts
Amount Interest Rate APY*
$2500 – $10,000 0.15% 0.15%
$10,001 – $25,000 0.15% 0.15%
$25,001 – $50,000 0.15% 0.15%
$50,001 + 0.15% 0.15%

Compounded Quarterly

Term Certificates**
Type Interest Rate APY*
6 Months Please contact the Credit Union for current rates
7 Months SPECIAL OFFER 4.45% 4.54%
9 Months Please contact the Credit Union for current rates
12 Months Please contact the Credit Union for current rates
18 Months Please contact the Credit Union for current rates
30 Months Please contact the Credit Union for current rates
36 Months Please contact the Credit Union for current rates
60 Months Please contact the Credit Union for current rates

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield

**Early withdrawal penalties may be imposed. The Annual Percentage Yield assumes principal and interest would remain on deposit for the full term. A withdrawal and/or fees may reduce earnings.

Checking Accounts
Checking Accounts earn no interest, and have a minimum balance requirement of $0.01.

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield

Dividends are earned on the average daily balance for the dividend period.